A Variable Size Block Matching Based Descriptor for Human Action Recognition

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Fabio Luiz Marinho
Helena Maia
Virgínia Mota
Marcelo Vieira
Arnaldo Araújo


In this work we present an ongoing research which intends to integrate the Block Matching technique into the Human Action Recognition field. We propose a method to create a video descriptor composed of three main steps: Computation of displacement vectors between frames with VSBMA, histogram representation of these vectors, and orientation tensor generation from the histogram. It is a promising approach for human action recognition since it is a simple method with low computational cost which achieves comparable results with state-of-the-art techniques.


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How to Cite
Marinho, F. L., Maia, H., Mota, V., Vieira, M., & Araújo, A. (2015). A Variable Size Block Matching Based Descriptor for Human Action Recognition. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 30(1). https://doi.org/10.14209/jcis.2015.11
Regular Papers
Author Biography

Fabio Luiz Marinho

Computer Science Department - Masters Student
Received 2015-03-04
Accepted 2015-08-19
Published 2015-10-21