Pragmatic Approach For Estimating Wireless Broadband Traffic Using the Theory of Large Deviations

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Wiliam H. Hisatugu
Anilton S. Garcia


This paper proposes a methodology to predict wireless broadband network capacity based on effective bandwidth estimation. Former wireless network planning strategies were based on the estimation of the distribution of the number of users over the mobile network area. However, with the rapid spreading of wireless broadband networks and the increased number of services, the characteristics of user traffic have become an important matter due to the uniqueness of user profile. Furthermore, new wireless broadband networks are no longer based on circuit switching, but on packet switching technology. This paper applies the Large Deviations Theory to leverage estimation of the aggregated traffic intensity of several users. The approach was validated by analyzing known traffic traces of wireless broadband networks.


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How to Cite
H. Hisatugu, W., & S. Garcia, A. (2015). Pragmatic Approach For Estimating Wireless Broadband Traffic Using the Theory of Large Deviations. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 27(1).
Regular Papers
Received 2015-06-14
Accepted 2015-06-14
Published 2015-06-14