5 GBIT/S (2 X 2.5 GBIT/S) Repeaterless WDM Transmission Over 250 KM of Dispersion-Shifted Fiber Using Direct Modulation<br />DOI: 10.14209/jcis.1996.1

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J. Salomão Pereira
R. Y. Nakamura
S. Celaschi
A. C. Pereira Netto


We report on a repeaterless transmission of 2 X 2.5 Gbits/s, 2nm spaced WDM channels over 250 km of dispersion-shifted fiber (DSF) using, as light sources, directly modulated DFB lasers. Back-to-back sensitivity was compared with 125 km and 250 km of transmission throught DSF, for different transmitter power levels, and no significant power penalty was observed.


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How to Cite
Salomão Pereira, J., Y. Nakamura, R., Celaschi, S., & C. Pereira Netto, A. (2015). 5 GBIT/S (2 X 2.5 GBIT/S) Repeaterless WDM Transmission Over 250 KM of Dispersion-Shifted Fiber Using Direct Modulation<br />DOI: 10.14209/jcis.1996.1. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 11(1). Retrieved from https://jcis.emnuvens.com.br/jcis/article/view/197
Regular Papers
Received 2015-06-16
Accepted 2015-06-16
Published 2015-06-16