A Decision Support System for SDH Network Planning Considering Equipment Modularity Aspects<br />DOI: 10.14209/jcis.1996.2

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Anilton Salles Garcia
Gustavo Balestrero Zanandrea


The digitization process of the telephone networks is allowing a quick introduction of the new sophisticated telecommunications services into the network. These services are demanding a reliable transport network, as well as, high capacity transmission systems with high quality levels. Wishing to attempt all these requirements, the ITU-T has standardized the SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) for the transport network. This paper proposes a combinatorial optimization model for the Static Bundling Problem, that consists of the logical design of the optical links and the transmission equipment, considering the modularity aspects. This problem is modeled as a multicommodity network flow problem and the resulting model has a mixed integer linear programming feature that is solved combining exact methods with specialized heuristics.


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How to Cite
Salles Garcia, A., & Balestrero Zanandrea, G. (2015). A Decision Support System for SDH Network Planning Considering Equipment Modularity Aspects<br />DOI: 10.14209/jcis.1996.2. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 11(1). Retrieved from https://jcis.emnuvens.com.br/jcis/article/view/198
Regular Papers
Received 2015-06-16
Accepted 2015-06-16
Published 2015-06-16