Inter-Frame Post-Processing for Intra-Coded Video

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Edson Mintsu Hung
Ricardo L. de Queiroz
Debargha Mukherjee


We propose a video codec architecture based on mixed quality frames which allows for low-complexity intra-coded video to undergo inter-frame post-processing to improve its rate-distortion performance. The video sequence is divided into key and non-key frames by applying different quantization parameters among them. The application of different quantization parameters reduces the bit-rate, but also reduces the quality of the non-key frames. In order to enhance the quality of these non-key frames at the decoding process without additional information, we propose the use of the higher quality (key) frames through motion estimation. For that, in blocks where key and non-key frames “match”, we try to apply details of key frames to non-key ones. Tests were carried out with H.264-Intra, Motion JPEG 2000 and Motion JPEG video sequences, recording PSNR improvements of up to 1 dB.



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How to Cite
Hung, E. M., Queiroz, R. L. de, & Mukherjee, D. (2013). Inter-Frame Post-Processing for Intra-Coded Video. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 28(1).
Regular Papers
Received 2012-06-01
Accepted 2013-03-13
Published 2013-04-29