Video Quality Assessment Using Objective Parameters Based on Image Segmentation<br />10.14209/jcis.1999.6

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A. C. F. Pessoa
A. X. Falcão
A. E. Faria e Silva
R. M. Nishimara
R. A. Lotufo


This work presents a methodology for video quality assessment using objective parameters based on image segmentation. Natural scenes are segmented into plane, edge and texture regions, and a set of objective parameters are assigned to each of these contexts. A perception-based model that predicts subjective ratings is defined by computing the relationship between objective measures and results of subjective assessment tests, applied to a set of natural scenes and MPEG-2 video codecs. In this model, the relationship between each objective parameter and the subjective impairment level is approximated by a logistic curve, resulting an estimated impairment level for each parameter. The final result is achieved through a linear combination of estimated impairment levels, where the weight of each impairment level is proportional to its statistical reliability. The results presented show that the use of region-based objective measurements provides more accurate predictions compared to predictions based on global parameters.


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How to Cite
C. F. Pessoa, A., X. Falcão, A., E. Faria e Silva, A., M. Nishimara, R., & A. Lotufo, R. (2015). Video Quality Assessment Using Objective Parameters Based on Image Segmentation<br />10.14209/jcis.1999.6. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 14(1). Retrieved from
Regular Papers
Received 2015-06-17
Accepted 2015-06-17