PDG Characterization of an EDFA Developed for CATV Application<br />DOI: 10.14209/jcis.2002.2

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Meire C. Fugihara
Hypolito J. Kalinowski
Márcia Müller
José L. Fabris
Walter Arellano


Results for the Polarization Dependent Gain (PDG) of an Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier, aimed to cable television distribution networks (CATV), are described. PDG measurements are done by switching the state of polarizarion of the launched signal between two orthogonal states, for several wavelengths and signal input powers. The obtained results show that the amplifier has very low PDG. 0.0279 ± 0.0012 dB.


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How to Cite
C. Fugihara, M., J. Kalinowski, H., Müller, M., L. Fabris, J., & Arellano, W. (2015). PDG Characterization of an EDFA Developed for CATV Application<br />DOI: 10.14209/jcis.2002.2. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 17(2). Retrieved from https://jcis.emnuvens.com.br/jcis/article/view/255
Regular Papers
Received 2015-06-17
Accepted 2015-06-17
Published 2015-06-17