Uso Eficiente da Órbita de Satélites Geoestácionarios: Otimização das Posições Orbitais

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Marcelle Santiago do Nascimento
José Mauro P. Fortes


This work is related to the efficient use of the geostationary satellite orbit. It presents and describes an optimization model which chooses the best orbital position for each satellite so that the length of the used orbital arc is minimized. A mathematical model considering aspects such as interference and geometry details (satellite orbital position, earth station positions, boresights of the antennas, etc) is proposed. The model is used in the definition of a constrained optimization problem in which the objective function is defined as the length of the used orbital arc. Constraints imposed by propagation aspects (minimum elevation angles) and by the maximum allowable interference levels (aggregate and single-entry) are considered. The model is applied to specific situations involving real data, leading to the minimization of the used orbital arc.


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How to Cite
Santiago do Nascimento, M., & Mauro P. Fortes, J. (2015). Uso Eficiente da Órbita de Satélites Geoestácionarios: Otimização das Posições Orbitais. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 21(2).
Regular Papers
Received 2015-06-18
Accepted 2015-06-18
Published 2015-06-18