Modelagem de Trafego Fractal Utilizando Processos Envelope

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Flávio de M. Pereira
Nelson L. S. da Fonseca
Dalton S. Arantes


In this paper. an envelope process called Fractional Bounded Arrival Process (FBAP) is proposed for selfsimilar traffic representation. A queueing analysis for FBAP traffic is developed. and upper bounds for the backlog and for the delay are obtained. The policing of FBAP traffic is also investigated. Results are then extended to the multifractal traffic case, for which an envelope process called Multifractal Bounded Arrival Process (MFBAP) is proposed. The FBAP and the MFBAP models are validated against real traffic traces, and they are proved to provide an adequate representation for fractal traffic.


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How to Cite
de M. Pereira, F., L. S. da Fonseca, N., & S. Arantes, D. (2015). Modelagem de Trafego Fractal Utilizando Processos Envelope. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 19(2).
Regular Papers
Received 2015-06-18
Accepted 2015-06-18
Published 2015-06-18