Mean-Squared Analysis of the Partial-Update NLMS Algorithm<br />10.14209/jcis.2003.9

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Stefan Werner
Marcello L. R. de Campos
Paulo S. R. Diniz


In this paper, we present mean-squared convergence analysis for the partial-update normalized least-mean square (PU-NLMS) algorithm with closed-form expressions for the case of white input signals. The analysis uses order statistics and the formulas presented here are more accurate than the ones found in the literature for the PU-NLMS algorithm. Simulation results show excellent agreement with the the results predicted by the analysis.


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How to Cite
Werner, S., L. R. de Campos, M., & S. R. Diniz, P. (2015). Mean-Squared Analysis of the Partial-Update NLMS Algorithm<br />10.14209/jcis.2003.9. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 18(1). Retrieved from
Regular Papers
Received 2015-06-18
Accepted 2015-06-18
Published 2015-06-18