A Minimum Hop Routing Algorithm for Multihop Cellular Networks<br /> DOI: 10.14209/jcis.2004.9

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Mark DeFaria
Elvino S. Sousa


This paper presents a nurumum hop routing algorithm for the multihop cellular CDMA network. A mechanism to update routing paths in case of network topology change is also developed. Mobile terminals will be separated into two groups and each group will only transmit on one of two timeslots so that terminals do not have to transmit and receive simultaneously on the same frequency band. The routing algorithm in this paper is designed in order to optimize criteria including SNIR, delay, power consumption, and network lifetime. Simulation is used to evaluate these criteria for the multihop cellular network and its performance is compared with the traditional cellular network. Simulations show that the total power consumption in the multihop cellular network is much lower than a traditional cellular network with a capacity that is nearly as high. Simulations also show that the network lifetime of the multihop cellular network is much higher than that of a traditional cellular network.


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How to Cite
DeFaria, M., & S. Sousa, E. (2015). A Minimum Hop Routing Algorithm for Multihop Cellular Networks<br /> DOI: 10.14209/jcis.2004.9. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 19(3). Retrieved from https://jcis.emnuvens.com.br/jcis/article/view/334
Regular Papers
Received 2015-06-18
Accepted 2015-06-18
Published 2015-06-18