Indoor TDOA-AOA measurements at the 3G systems frequency band ­ A Simple Approach

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Maurício Henrique Costa Dias
Gláucio Lima Siqueira


This work reports the results of indoor joint AOATDOA measurements, using a frequency domain wideband propagation channel sounder (with a vector network analyzer). The whole survey has been carried out in 1.8 GHz, with a 200 MHz bandwidth. Since such kind of sounder only allows the measurement of the channel impulse response, that is, the timedelay spectrum, a synthetic aperture uniform linear antenna array was adopted in order to extend its use to perform also angle-of-arrival measurements. Spatial spectral estimation algorithms such as beamforming, Capon and MUSIC have been applied. The estimated results were compared to expected values, calculated from propagation analysis. Relative errors less than 10% and 35% have been observed in the time-delay and in the spatial domain, respectively. Thus, despite the simplicity, a reasonable performance has been achieved, validating the adopted joint sounding approach.


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How to Cite
Henrique Costa Dias, M., & Lima Siqueira, G. (2015). Indoor TDOA-AOA measurements at the 3G systems frequency band ­ A Simple Approach. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 20(3).
Regular Papers
Received 2015-06-18
Accepted 2015-06-18
Published 2015-06-18