The Asymmetrical n-k Distribution

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Michel Daoud Yacoub
Gustavo Fraidenraich
Hermano B. Tercius
Fábio C. Martins


This paper specializes and parameterizes the general result presented elsewhere in the literature in order to propose, fully characterize, and investigate the Asymmetrical − Distribution. It yields estimators for the involved parameters and uses field measurements to validate the distribution. The Asymmetrical − Distribution includes, as special cases, important distributions such as Rayleigh, Rice, Hoyt, Nakagami-q, and One-Sided Gaussian. The fact that the Asymmetrical − Distribution has one more parameter than the well-known distributions renders it more flexible. Of course, in situations in which those distributions included in it give good results a better fit is given by the Asymmetrical − Distribution. In addition, in many other situations in which these distributions give poor results a good fit may be found through the Asymmetrical − Distribution. More specifically, its non-monomodal feature finds applications in several circumstances, examples of which are given in this paper.


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How to Cite
Daoud Yacoub, M., Fraidenraich, G., B. Tercius, H., & C. Martins, F. (2015). The Asymmetrical n-k Distribution. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 20(3).
Regular Papers
Received 2015-06-18
Accepted 2015-06-18
Published 2015-06-18