Development of an UHF 2 x 2 Microstrip Antenna Array for Nano-Satellites

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Juner Vieira
Marcelo Pereira Magalhães
Marcos Vinicio Thomas Heckler
João César Moura Mota
Antonio Sergio Sombra


This paper presents the study of a microstrip antenna to be installed onto meteorological nano-satellites. In order to increase the effective ground plane so as to improve the front-to-back ratio and the gain, overall, metallic strips were attached to the antenna ground plane. The antenna performance was evaluated using different types and sizes of metallic strips. An improvement in the front-to-back ratio whilst keeping good axial ratio performance was observed.


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How to Cite
Vieira, J., Magalhães, M. P., Heckler, M. V. T., Mota, J. C. M., & Sombra, A. S. (2016). Development of an UHF 2 x 2 Microstrip Antenna Array for Nano-Satellites. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 31(1).
Regular Papers
Received 2015-09-25
Accepted 2016-06-02
Published 2016-06-28

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