Through-The-Earth (TTE) Communications for Underground Mines

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Josua Carreño
Lucas Silva
Sávio Neves
Leonardo Aguayo
Adoniran Judson Braga
André Noll Barreto
Luis Uzeda Garcia


The communication needs for rescue op-erations of trapped miners has recently motivated thecreation of through-the-earth communication systems,which are also envisaged for enabling autonomous mi-ning operations. Because of the large attenuation of ra-dio frequency waves in this propagation medium, thesesystems usually employ transmission through magneticinduction using very low frequencies. In this paperwe present an overview of the possible applicationsbut also of the technical hurdles faced in this type ofcommunications system. We present a model of a TTEtransmission system and discuss some modulation anddigital transmission approaches for this medium.


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How to Cite
Carreño, J., Silva, L., Neves, S., Aguayo, L., Braga, A. J., Barreto, A. N., & Garcia, L. U. (2016). Through-The-Earth (TTE) Communications for Underground Mines. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 31(1).
Tutorial Papers
Received 2015-12-22
Accepted 2016-06-15
Published 2016-06-30

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