Optical Packet Switching: Generation, Transmission and Recovery Demonstration Using a Frequency Tone Header

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F. Rudge Barbosa
A. C. Sachs
M. T. Furtado
J. B. Rosolem


We have successfully implemented in our labs the generation, transmission, detection and routing of optical packets for next generation all-optical networks ..
Ultrafast switching function (mus time base) is demonstrated using a RF frequency tone as header, combined with a high-capacity digital payload, both inserted in the optical packet. The packet may propagate kilometers in the network, without degrading. At node input the optical packet header is detected and a switching control mechanism directs the packet to a prescribed output, without further opto-electric conversion. The optical circuit is noise-free, with BER results better than 10^-12 .This system is applicable to metropolitan and access WDM optical networks style.


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How to Cite
Barbosa, F. R., Sachs, A. C., Furtado, M. T., & Rosolem, J. B. (2017). Optical Packet Switching: Generation, Transmission and Recovery Demonstration Using a Frequency Tone Header. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 17(1), 26–29. https://doi.org/10.14209/jcis.2002.11
Regular Papers
Received 2017-05-28
Accepted 2017-05-28
Published 2017-05-28