A DOA Estimator Based on Linear Prediction and Total Least Squares

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Amauri Lopes
Ivanil S. Bonatti
Pedro L. D. Peres
Ricardo F. Colares
Carlos A. Alves


We propose an estimator for the direction of arrival (DOA) of plane waves incident on a linear equally spaced array of sensors. The estimator uses a forward-backward
linear prediction filter optimized by means of the total least squares criterion subject to constraints. The DOA angles are estimated by the zeros of the optimum filter. The proposed procedure is compared with two maximum likelihood methods presented in the literature.


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How to Cite
Lopes, A., Bonatti, I. S., Peres, P. L. D., Colares, R. F., & Alves, C. A. (2017). A DOA Estimator Based on Linear Prediction and Total Least Squares. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 17(1), 71–78. https://doi.org/10.14209/jcis.2002.14
Regular Papers
Received 2017-05-28
Accepted 2017-05-28
Published 2017-05-28