Construção de Empacotamentos Esféricos via Códigos de Classes Laterais Generalizados

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Antonio de Andrade Silva
Reginaldo Palazzo Jr.


We propose a construction scheme for sphere packing arrangements based on block codes over the Z_q group. This scheme is a generalization of the one proposed by Costa e Silva and Palazzo [4]. A table and examples are included with results from the best sphere packings obtained with this construction. In dimensions 68 and 72 a new density record is achieved.


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How to Cite
Silva, A. de A., & Palazzo Jr., R. (2018). Construção de Empacotamentos Esféricos via Códigos de Classes Laterais Generalizados. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 15(2).
Regular Papers
Received 2018-02-12
Accepted 2018-02-12
Published 2018-02-12