Abordagens para a Modelagem do Canal Espaço-Temporal com Vistas a Aplicações de Antenas Adaptativas

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F. R. P. Cavalcanti
J. M. T. Romano


In this paper we discuss the space-time channel modeling aiming applications of adaptive antennas in mobile communication systems. Some classical approaches for this sake are reviewed and the underlying assumptions discussed. A model that unifies these approaches by including them as particular cases is then presented. Simulation results on adaptive antenna arrays in a TDMA cellular system illustrate the impact of the adoption of each modeling approach in its performance as well as the relationship among them.


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How to Cite
Cavalcanti, F. R. P., & Romano, J. M. T. (2018). Abordagens para a Modelagem do Canal Espaço-Temporal com Vistas a Aplicações de Antenas Adaptativas. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 15(2). https://doi.org/10.14209/jcis.2000.11
Regular Papers
Received 2018-02-12
Accepted 2018-02-12
Published 2018-02-12