Projeto e Análise de uma Classe de Antenas Refletoras para Cobertura Ommidirecional

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J. R. Bergmann
F. J. V. Hasselmann
M. G. C. Branco


A single reflector antenna design is suggested for compliance with omnidirectional azimuth coverage requirements in radio base stations for point-to-multipoint services at millimetric bands. Free-space attenuation between transmitter and receiver ends is accounted for by properly shaping the reflector profile to yield a cosecant squared power pattern in the vertical plane. Numerical results illustrate the trade-offs involved when considering certain antenna design aspects as well as feed requirements. The role of both Geometrical and Physical Optics is carefully explored along design and analysis steps with a view towards guiding the reader through key factors of this study in an appropriate sequence. The importance of proper modelling of feed patterns is also evidenced


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How to Cite
Bergmann, J. R., Hasselmann, F. J. V., & Branco, M. G. C. (2018). Projeto e Análise de uma Classe de Antenas Refletoras para Cobertura Ommidirecional. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 15(2).
Regular Papers
Received 2018-02-12
Accepted 2018-02-12
Published 2018-02-12