Análise de Desempenho de uma Rede Celular CDMA Através de Simulação

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Luiz Gustavo Alarcon Alegro
Celso de Almeida


he effects of some important parameters on the performance of a CDMA cellular network are examined. The performance is obtained by analyzing the number of users in the system, the blocking and dropped calls rate, the coverage radius, the soft-handoff rate, and the outage probability.


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How to Cite
Alegro, L. G. A., & de Almeida, C. (2018). Análise de Desempenho de uma Rede Celular CDMA Através de Simulação. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 15(2).
Regular Papers
Received 2018-02-12
Accepted 2018-02-12
Published 2018-02-12