The Latency Problem in Very Long-Distance Optical Gibabit Links

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Abelardo Podcameni
Marbey M. Mosso
Cláudia B. Marcondes
Joseuda Lopes
Gustavo B. Leal


The latency effect in long-distance gigabit links and networks may lead to some transmission penalties, as here discussed and illustrated through various examples. When transcontinental or overseas connections are considered, these penalties may become remarkably severe. By evaluating and discussing realistic cases, some countermeasures are suggested. These last may include an important conceptual change in several well-established protocols and a substantial increase in the data packet sizes together with some other modifications concerning the physical layer management.


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How to Cite
Podcameni, A., Mosso, M. M., Marcondes, C. B., Lopes, J., & Leal, G. B. (2018). The Latency Problem in Very Long-Distance Optical Gibabit Links. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 15(2).
Regular Papers
Received 2018-02-12
Accepted 2018-02-12
Published 2018-02-12

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