Robust time delay estimation based on non-Gaussian impulsive acoustic channel

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Danilo Pena
Arthur Lima
Vicente Angelo de Sousa Junior
Luiz Felipe Silveira
Allan Medeiros


The aim of this letter is to propose a new robust method for source localization over impulsive noise and investigate its practical implications. The method uses a non-linear data transformation associated with the generalized cross-correlation technique. Hence, simulations and experiments show better performance than traditional methods without increasing the computational cost. Our practical experiments indicate the possibility of obtaining a correlated impulsive noise, in which the proposed method is still presenting accurate estimations.


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How to Cite
Pena, D., Lima, A., Junior, V. A. de S., Silveira, L. F., & Medeiros, A. (2020). Robust time delay estimation based on non-Gaussian impulsive acoustic channel. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 35(1), 86–89.
Received 2019-11-19
Accepted 2020-04-13
Published 2020-04-20

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