Frequency Selective Surface Microwave Absorber for WLAN Applications

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Thais Carvalho Areias
Roberta N. G. Carvalho
Mauricio Weber Benjó da Silva
Leni J. Matos
José Jaime G. Peixoto Neto
Antônio Luiz P. S. Campos
Alfredo Gomes Neto


Many researchers are studying electromagnetic wave absorbers. This is mainly due to the large number of existing wireless systems. The absorbers find numerous applications, from commercial to military systems. Allied to this, also the interest in Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS), which are, basically, spatial filters, grows. Thus, this work proposes the use of FSS to design electromagnetic absorbers. In this study, Altair FEKO software was used. A prototype is built to validate the analysis performed. A good agreement between the numerical and experimental results is observed. Furthermore, measured results show that the absorber panel suppresses reflection (below – 10 dB) from 1.98 GHz to 3.08 GHz, covering the entire ISM band.


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How to Cite
Areias, T. C., Carvalho, R. N. G., da Silva, M. W. B., Matos, L. J., Neto, J. J. G. P., Campos, A. L. P. S., & Neto, A. G. (2020). Frequency Selective Surface Microwave Absorber for WLAN Applications. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 35(1), 208–216.
Regular Papers
Received 2020-01-30
Accepted 2020-07-06
Published 2020-07-17

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