Brillouin Effect Impact in RoF Systems with Photonic-Assisted RF Amplification

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Eduardo Saia Lima
Luiz Augusto Melo Pereira
Ramon Maia Borges
Matheus Sêda Borsato Cunha
Arismar Cerqueira Sodré Junior


This work reports the impact of the stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in a radio-over-fiber (RoF) system with photonic-assisted radiofrequency (RF) amplification. Such photonically amplified RoF systems employs long pieces of highly nonlinear fibers (HNLFs) for stimulating the four-wave mixing (FWM) nonlinear effect, in conjunction with appropriate management of the optical modulation index, aiming to provide RF gain. Numerical and experimental results demonstrate SBS might reduce the FWM nonlinear efficiency and limit the overall system power efficiency. We propose using only 35 m of HNLF for ensuring high photonic-assisted RF gain and increasing the SBS threshold in 14 dB. The digital performance of the photonically amplified RoF system is investigated in terms of root mean square error vector magnitude (EVMRMS), before and after mitigating SBS. The 35-m HNLF piece implies in enhancing the system digital performance and reducing in 6 dB the required optical power for attaining 19 dB of photonic-assisted RF gain.


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How to Cite
Lima, E. S., Pereira, L. A. M., Borges, R. M., Cunha, M. S. B., & Junior, A. C. S. (2020). Brillouin Effect Impact in RoF Systems with Photonic-Assisted RF Amplification. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 35(1), 162–170.
Regular Papers
Received 2020-03-31
Accepted 2020-05-12
Published 2020-06-24

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