Video Quality Loss Model on Communication Networks: An Approach Based on Frame Loss

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Edemir Marcus Carvalho Matos
Thiago de Araujo Costa
Miércio Cardoso Alcântara Neto
Bruno Souza Lyra Castro
Fabricio de Souza Farias
Jasmine Priscyla Leite de Araujo
Fabrício José Brito Barros


This letter proposes a mathematical model capable of estimating video quality loss in error-prone networks through Peak Signal-to-Noise (PSNR ) ratio metric. Also, it presents experimental results by correlating the frame losses, the video resolution, and the received video visual complexity to obtain video quality loss models. The results show that frame loss satisfies the model to predict the PSNR loss for three resolutions.


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How to Cite
Matos, E. M. C., Costa, T. de A., Alcântara Neto, M. C., Castro, B. S. L., Farias, F. de S., de Araujo, J. P. L., & Barros, F. J. B. (2022). Video Quality Loss Model on Communication Networks: An Approach Based on Frame Loss. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 37(1), 42–46.
Received 2021-04-21
Accepted 2022-02-15
Published 2022-02-25

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