Performances of 2r16APSK and DVB-S2 16APSK Modulations over a Two-Link Satellite Channel

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Dayan Adionel Guimarães


In this paper, the 2r16APSK modulation is contrasted with the 16APSK modulation adopted in the digital video broadcast standard, the DVB-S2, aiming at verifying if the 2r16APSK can be considered an alternative choice for the DVB-S2 and other alike communication systems when subjected to nonlinear distortions. To this end, the performances of both modulations are assessed in terms of the metrics: bit error rate (BER), constellation figure of merit (CFM), peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR), total degradation (TD) versus input back-off (IBO), and spectral regrowth, when the transmitted signal goes through a two-link satellite channel under memoryless nonlinear distortion produced by a traveling wave tube amplifier (TWTA), which is described by the Saleh model. The results show that the 2r16APSK modulation is indeed an alternative choice.


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Article Details

How to Cite
Guimarães, D. A. (2022). Performances of 2r16APSK and DVB-S2 16APSK Modulations over a Two-Link Satellite Channel. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 37(1), 132–139.
Regular Papers
Author Biography

Dayan Adionel Guimarães, National Institute of Telecommunications

Electrical Engineering.

Full Professor.

Received 2022-04-01
Accepted 2022-05-30
Published 2022-07-20

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