Does hexagonal lattice improve the performance of QAM-FBMC?

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Iandra Galdino
Rostom Zakaria
Didier le Ruyet
Marcello Campos


Quadrature amplitude modulation filter-bank multicarrier (QAM-FBMC) is a promising technology for future wireless communications systems. However, the intrinsic interference observed at the receiver can be a source of problems. In order to overcome the intrinsic interference, in this paper, we propose a QAM-FBMC system with hexagonal lattice structure, which we call HQAM-FBMC. We also propose a new prototype filter design, specifically for the HQAM-FBMC system, based on discrete prolate spheroidal sequences (DPSS). The proposed filters have also been optimized to reduce the intrinsic interference of the system. Moreover, we compare and analyze the performance of the QAM-FBMC system with the performance of the proposed HQAM-FBMC using the optimized filter through the bit error rate (BER).


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How to Cite
Galdino, I., Zakaria, R., le Ruyet, D., & Campos, M. (2023). Does hexagonal lattice improve the performance of QAM-FBMC?. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 38(1), 68–76.
Regular Papers
Received 2022-10-08
Accepted 2023-04-18
Published 2023-05-15

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