A Continuous-State Reinforcement Learning Strategy for Link Adaptation in OFDM Wireless Systems

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Paulo Henrique Portela de Carvalho
Robson Domingos Vieira
João Paulo Leite


This paper presents a machine learning approach based on the concept of reinforcement learning andMarkov Decision Processes for link adaptation in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing systemsthrough adaptive modulation and coding. Although machine learning techniques have attracted attentionfor link adaptation, the schemes proposed so far are based on off-line training algorithms, which makethem not well suited for real time and real-world operation. The proposed solution learns the bestmodulation and coding scheme for a given signal-to-noise ratio by interacting with the environment(the radio channel). Unlike the other solutions, it does not rely on an off-line and computationallyintensive training phase. Simulation results show that the proposed technique outperforms the wellknownsolution based on look-up tables for adaptive modulation and coding, and it can potentiallyadapt itself to distinct characteristics of the environment or the receiver radio frequency (RF) front end.


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How to Cite
de Carvalho, P. H. P., Vieira, R. D., & Leite, J. P. (2015). A Continuous-State Reinforcement Learning Strategy for Link Adaptation in OFDM Wireless Systems. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 30(1). https://doi.org/10.14209/jcis.2015.6
Regular Papers
Received 2012-05-30
Accepted 2015-05-22
Published 2015-06-22