Simulation of RF Analog Circuits: A Systematic Exposition of the Harmonic Balance and Complex Envelope Methods

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Leonardo da Cunha Brito
Paulo Henrique Portela de Carvalho


Nowadays. the usc of simulation tools in the design of RF circuits is essential. Among the most efficient tools are those that implement the simulation methods called Harmonic Balance and Complex Envelopes. These techniques allow accurate and efficient simulations of common RF measurements in such a way that the number of design iterations is reduced, given that the prototyping process is optimized. This article has as objectives to present the systematization of those methods and to describe their features and limitations. The basic equations and the algorithms used to solve them are developed. This work is supposed to serve as a tutorial for implementation of these circuit simulation methods.


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How to Cite
Brito, L. da C., & de Carvalho, P. H. P. (2017). Simulation of RF Analog Circuits: A Systematic Exposition of the Harmonic Balance and Complex Envelope Methods. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 19(1).
Regular Papers
Received 2017-03-02
Accepted 2017-03-02
Published 2017-03-02

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