Adaptive Universal Codes for Integer Representation

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Márcio José de Carvalho Lima
Valdemar Cardoso da Rocha Jr.


For a given arbitrary list of integer numbers, in general there is no known single universal code which is an overall optimum in the sense of representing the whole list with the shortest average codeword length. This is the motivation in this paper to introduce a class of adaptive universal codes based on pattern codes, for integer representation. A construction of adaptive universal codes is given, which is based on Fibonacci codes. This construction is shown to perform well over a wider range of integer values in comparison to known universal code constructions.


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How to Cite
Lima, M. J. de C., & da Rocha Jr., V. C. (2013). Adaptive Universal Codes for Integer Representation. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 28(1).
Regular Papers
Received 2012-05-30
Accepted 2013-03-23
Published 2013-06-14