Data Transmission Using Convolutional Codes and Bi-directional Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm over the Two-User Binary Adder Channel

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Maria de Lourdes Melo Guedes Alcoforado
Lucas Bulhões
Abner Andrade
Francisco Madeiro
Valdemar Cardoso da Rocha Jr.


This article introduces and tests the use of the soft output Viterbi algorithm in decoding pairs of messages encoded with convolutional encoders and sent through a two-user binary adder channel in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise. Curves relating bit error rate versus signal to noise ratio are presented for each user, for assessing the performance of distinct convolutional codes when each constituent encoder employs either a two-stage or a three-stage shift-register.


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How to Cite
Alcoforado, M. de L. M. G., Bulhões, L., Andrade, A., Madeiro, F., & da Rocha Jr., V. C. (2017). Data Transmission Using Convolutional Codes and Bi-directional Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm over the Two-User Binary Adder Channel. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 32(1).
Regular Papers
Received 2017-04-25
Accepted 2017-11-03
Published 2017-11-19

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