Error Probability of Multichannel Reception with \theta-QAM Scheme Under Correlated Nakagami-m Fading

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Wamberto J. L. Queiroz
Francisco Madeiro
Waslon Terllizzie A. Lopes
Marcelo S. Alencar


In this paper, an unifyied analysis is proposed for the compact receiver with spatial diversity. A maximum ratio combining receiver for linear antenna arrays is considered with the modulation scheme theta-QAM. The mathematical development takes into account parameters related to the physical structure of the array as well as the probability distribution used for modeling the direction of arrival (DoA) of the signals in the array. Von Mises and Gaussian distributions are considered for characterizing the DoA. The unification of all those results in exact expressions for evaluating the symbol error probability (SEP) in the output of a MRC receiver is the main contribution of the work.


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How to Cite
Queiroz, W. J. L., Madeiro, F., Lopes, W. T. A., & Alencar, M. S. (2014). Error Probability of Multichannel Reception with \theta-QAM Scheme Under Correlated Nakagami-m Fading. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 29(1).
Regular Papers
Received 2013-12-26
Accepted 2014-08-07
Published 2014-09-01

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