On the Relationships between Blind Equalization and Blind Source Separation – Part I: Foundations

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Romis Attux
Aline Neves
Leonardo T. Duarte
Ricardo Suyama
Cynthia Junqueira
Leandro Rangel
Tiago M. Dias
João M. T. Romano


The objective of this two-part work is to present and discuss the relationships between the problems of blind equalization and blind source separation. This first part, which is essentially a tutorial, begins with a systematic exposition of the basic concepts that form the core of equalization theory, starting from the fundamental idea that characterizes the zero-forcing solution and reaching, after an explanation of the supervised Wiener paradigm, an analysis of the unsupervised or blind techniques. Afterwards, the problem of blind source separation and the main approaches to solving it are studied; important concepts are discussed, such as those of principal component analysis (PCA), independent component analysis (ICA) and strategies founded on bases as diverse as the use of mutual information as a measure of independence, the idea of nongaussianity and the employment of the classical process of estimation via the method of maximum-likelihood.


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How to Cite
Attux, R., Neves, A., T. Duarte, L., Suyama, R., Junqueira, C., Rangel, L., … M. T. Romano, J. (2015). On the Relationships between Blind Equalization and Blind Source Separation – Part I: Foundations. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 22(1). https://doi.org/10.14209/jcis.2007.5
Regular Papers
Received 2015-06-18
Accepted 2015-06-18
Published 2015-06-18

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