Analysis of ITL Criteria in the Context of FIR Channel Equalization

Main Article Content

Levy Boccato
Denis G. Fantinato
Daniel G. Silva
Rafael Ferrari
Aline Neves
Romis Attux


In this work, we perform an analysis, in the context of channel equalization, of two criteria that can be considered central to the field of information theoretic learning (ITL): the minimum error entropy criterion (MEEC) and the maximum correntropy criterion (MCC). An original derivation of the exact cost function of these criteria in the scenario of interest is provided and used to analyze their robustness and efficiency from a number of relevant standpoints. Another important feature of the paper is an study of the estimated versions of these cost functions, which raises several aspects regarding parameters of the canonical Parzen window estimator. The study is carried out for distinct channel and noise models, both in the combined response and parameter spaces, and also employs as benchmarks crucial metrics like the probability of bit error. The conclusions indicate under what conditions ITL criteria are particularly reliable and a number of factors that can lead to suboptimal performance.


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How to Cite
Boccato, L., Fantinato, D. G., Silva, D. G., Ferrari, R., Neves, A., & Attux, R. (2016). Analysis of ITL Criteria in the Context of FIR Channel Equalization. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 31(1).
Regular Papers
Author Biographies

Levy Boccato, University of Campinas

Department of Computer Engineering and Industrial Automation (DCA)

Denis G. Fantinato, University of Campinas

Department of Computer Engineering and Industrial Automation (DCA), PhD Student

Daniel G. Silva, University of Brasília

Department of Electrical Engineering (ENE), Professor

Rafael Ferrari, University of Campinas

Department of Communications (DECOM)

Aline Neves, Federal University of ABC

Engineering, Modeling and Applied Social Science Center (CECS), Professor

Romis Attux, University of Campinas

Department of Computer Engineering and Industrial Automation (DCA), Professor
Received 2015-07-15
Accepted 2016-01-18
Published 2016-01-25

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