EXIT chart optimization of Repeat-Accumulate codes for an N-Frequency T-User Multiple Access Channel with noise

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Manish Sharma
Jaime Portugheis


In this paper we show how a graph-based systemcan be designed for an N-FSK T-user multiple access channel withnoise. The channel is a frequency selective fast fading channelwith additive white Gaussian Noise. The system does not knowor attempt to determine the fading incurred at a given moment.The system is composed of a multiuser detector and T differentRepeat-Accumulate (RA) decoders. The decoders are optimizedas a set and consequently have the same parameters. A structuralvariation between the users’ encoders/decoders is sufficient toallow for multiple access and channel error correction, whileproviding rates close to channel capacity.


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How to Cite
Sharma, M., & Portugheis, J. (2014). EXIT chart optimization of Repeat-Accumulate codes for an N-Frequency T-User Multiple Access Channel with noise. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 28(1). https://doi.org/10.14209/jcis.2013.4
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Author Biographies

Manish Sharma, Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica

Dr. Manish Sharma is professor of Telecommunications at the Instituto Tecnológio da Aeronáutica since 2009. He obtained his doctorate in Electical Engineering at the State University of Campinas in 2010.

Jaime Portugheis, Faculdade de Tecnologia da Unicamp

Dr. Jaime Portugheis was with Departamento de Comunicaçõees, Faculdade deEngenharia Elétrica e de Compupatação, Unicamp, Campinas-SP. He is now with Faculdade de Tecnologia da Unicamp
Received 2012-09-12
Accepted 2014-04-07
Published 2014-04-21