Resource Allocation for Maximizing Spectral Efficiency in a Multiuser MFSK System

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Manish Sharma
Daniel Basso Ferreira


In this paper we explore strategies to improve spectral efficiency values of a multiuser M-ary Frequency Shift Keying (MFSK) system when a fast and frequency selective fading channel with limited bandwidth is available and $L$ receiving antennas are present at the base station. Two options are considered: bandwidth splitting and cell splitting, where random user distribution and the effects of antenna directivity on signal to noise ratio was considered. Results show that in this situation the best case scenario is the one in which all users share the whole bandwidth instead of splitting it. Also, given the limitation on available antennas and radio frequency receiver chains at the base station, it is better to split cell antennas into as many sectors as possible, even at the cost of losing spatial diversity in each sector. Given the constraints, sectoring allows the system to reach values of spectral and energy efficiencies unachievable by spatial diversity by itself.


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How to Cite
Sharma, M., & Ferreira, D. B. (2022). Resource Allocation for Maximizing Spectral Efficiency in a Multiuser MFSK System. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 37(1), 121–131.
Regular Papers
Received 2022-02-10
Accepted 2022-07-01
Published 2022-07-06