A C-Band Planar Metamaterial-Inspired Antenna Employing a Hexagonal Cell Periodic Structure

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Humberto Xavier de Araujo
Mauricio W. B. Silva
Ivan R. S. Casella
Antonio L. P. S. Campos
Carlos Eduardo Capovilla


In this paper, a metamaterial inspired antenna to operate in the C-band is designed, fabricated, and characterized. The structure is based on the metamaterial tripolar array, to obtain a better gain, bandwidth, and frequency resonance when compared to a conventional circular UWB antenna with same structural characteristics. Simulation and experimental results show an increase of about 32% on the bandwidth and 9% on the gain with a satisfactory radiation pattern.


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How to Cite
de Araujo, H. X., Silva, M. W. B., Casella, I. R. S., Campos, A. L. P. S., & Capovilla, C. E. (2018). A C-Band Planar Metamaterial-Inspired Antenna Employing a Hexagonal Cell Periodic Structure. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 33(1). https://doi.org/10.14209/jcis.2018.4
Regular Papers
Received 2017-11-30
Accepted 2018-03-20
Published 2018-03-28

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