Text Antenna based on Meander Line for RFID Integrated Circuit Transponders

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Guilherme M. Cipullo
Humberto X. Araujo
Ivan R. S. Casella
Carlos E. Capovilla


In this work, a text antenna based on a meandershapedipole structure is proposed. The use of text antennas canbring interesting technological advantages in terms of advertising,marketing and logistics. The proposed planar antenna operates atUHF band and its shape is designed to represent the name of theUniversidade Federal do ABC (i.e. Federal do ABC - UFABC).The performance of the antenna is evaluated by simulation andby measurements in a built prototype, considering its inputreturn loss and radiation pattern characteristics. The obtainedresults show the viability of using the proposed antenna in RFIDintegrated circuit transponders.


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How to Cite
Cipullo, G. M., Araujo, H. X., Casella, I. R. S., & Capovilla, C. E. (2014). Text Antenna based on Meander Line for RFID Integrated Circuit Transponders. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 28(1). https://doi.org/10.14209/jcis.2013.5

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