Generating Series for Error Statistics of Block Codes on Channels with Memory

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Cecilio Pimentel


We present an analytical method for evaluating the performance of non-interleaved forward error correcting codes on channels that exhibit statistical dependence in the occurrence of errors. We consider a model for such a channel based on the probabilistic function of a Markov chain, also known as finite state channel (FSC) model. The main idea is to apply combinatorial methods to derive simple expressions for the probability of the number of symbol errors produced by the channel in terms of a coefficient in a formal power series. These methods are used to derive expressions for the codeword error probability of various practical coding schemes, including nonbinary block codes and the concatenation of two block codes. The general expressions are specialized for a Gilbert-Elliott channel with known model parameters, and numerical results are derived.


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How to Cite
Pimentel, C. (2015). Generating Series for Error Statistics of Block Codes on Channels with Memory. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 13(2).
Regular Papers
Received 2015-06-16
Accepted 2015-06-16
Published 2015-06-16

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