Linear Cryptoanalysis of the Simplified AES Cipher Modified by Chaotic Sequences

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Jose Antonio Perez de Morales Artiles
Daniel Chaves
Cecilio Pimentel


This article introduces new symmetric key architectures based on a randomized version of the Simplified Advanced Encryption Standard (SAES). It is proposed a new technique to randomize the S-boxes of the original SAES employing chaotic sequences. Then, we study the linear criptanalysis of the proposed schemes. It is shown that, with the introduction of chaotic sequences, the adversary needs a larger number of pairs of plaintext and ciphertext to discover the bits of the key compared to the required by the SAES. Given these results, it is possible to evaluate the improvement of the proposed technique against linear cryptanalysis as compared to the original AES algorithm.


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How to Cite
Perez de Morales Artiles, J. A., Chaves, D., & Pimentel, C. (2019). Linear Cryptoanalysis of the Simplified AES Cipher Modified by Chaotic Sequences. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 34(1), 92–99.
Regular Papers
Received 2019-02-28
Accepted 2019-03-31
Published 2019-04-09

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