Homophonic Coding and Random Number Generation

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Valdemar Rocha Junior
Danielle Camara
Cecilio Pimentel


Efficient generation of a discrete probability distribution is ofcurrent interest in areas like cryptography and random numbergeneration. This paper revisits some known homophonic coding techniques anddiscusses their application in random number generation. Both standard and constrained homophonic coding are considered. Three algorithms are given for generating adiscrete probability distribution using one or more biased coins. CNPqThis approach contributes an alternative solution to the classicalproblem of generating a discrete probability distribution usingbiased coins.


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How to Cite
Rocha Junior, V., Camara, D., & Pimentel, C. (2015). Homophonic Coding and Random Number Generation. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 30(1). https://doi.org/10.14209/jcis.2015.1
Regular Papers
Received 2014-07-08
Accepted 2015-02-18
Published 2015-03-04

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